Thursday, September 3, 2009

Baby Bradie has Arrived

As many of you know by now, baby Bradie Steven Mittelstadt was born a few weeks late on August 14th 2009 at 2:26am. He weighed in at 9lbs 14.6oz and 21 inches long.

He has been warming up to his new home nicely and is a lot more comfortable now that he has pooped on the couch, peed on both of us and also zuked on Bentley...Bradie has no shame :)

He is a good eater at this point he seems to prefer meals every two hours during the day unless there is a long nap and about every 4-5 hours at night. We were shocked when our little angel slept for 7 straight hours one evening last week, and we were hopeful that that was his new normal, but we weren't so lucky. We can't complain though we do get a fair amount of sleep for having a newborn at home.

My sister Debbie stayed with us all last week to help me adjust to things and it was so wonderful having her here. We've nicknamed her the Baby Whisperer because it seemed as though she was the only one who could calm Bradie. We are obviously missing her this week!

I know that I shouldn't be so shocked by this but the amount of diapers and wipes that we have already gone through is amazing, I had no concept of how many diapers we'd be changing...correction...Eric would be changing ;)

Some other exciting news is that at our 2 week check up Bradie received a clean bill of health and weighed 10lbs 1oz. He is one strong boy, he has pretty good control of his head and neck, he tracks well and is very aware of his surroundings. He loves going for walks in the Bjorn and I love it even more because he usually falls fast asleep!

We are gearing up to take our first road trip next week to celebrate Matt & Karee's wedding in Pullman. Eric and I are both in the wedding so we've enlisted the help of GLove Linda & Grandpa Steve to help us watch Bradie. We are all super excited for the big event!

I am running out of juice on my computer so I am going to cut this post short, plus I hear someone waking up :)